beanafield: This, my friends, is the infamous tractor house. That's right. Serial killers live there.
beanafield: Jamie loves the little kettle corns...
beanafield: Hold please.
beanafield: Johnny...and Jamie's massive bag o kettle corn.
beanafield: Boys, up to no good.
beanafield: Oops. Now they broke it.
beanafield: Clearly I don't get out in the sun much.
beanafield: What??
beanafield: Worst thought-out design ever.
beanafield: My God! It's eating that child!!
beanafield: No free rides here. You gotta pay first.
beanafield: Jamie must play the goldfish game.
beanafield: It helps to stick your tongue out.
beanafield: Jamie got a fish strictly for being cute. She didn't get one ball in. Sucker fish man.
beanafield: Meet Pete! Happy Jamie gets her fish.