revbean: Secret government sound.
revbean: I do not live in a blind mystic's tent.
revbean: Oh yes, ha ha, it says "Dr. Spock".
revbean: This one's for @chadsnacks.
revbean: David Letterman plays @imogenheap's #monome two fifty six.
revbean: Martinis at the Oak Bar.
revbean: Ring bell for creepy hotel service.
revbean: Necessary equipment for calling in an airstrike.
revbean: Sally Field flips through Design Like You Give a Damn.
revbean: "Take that, you vampire."
revbean: Sensitive plant solves the crime.
revbean: In case of zombies.
revbean: God playing with dinosaurs.
revbean: Today was really too hot for a sweater.
revbean: Danny DeVito pulls an ATG from the trash.
revbean: Heather-orange ringer.
revbean: Chesterfield's not actually a lynx.
revbean: Almost the same chair as on TV.