beakee: Into the Chinatown Heritage Centre
beakee: Wall display of early migrant photos
beakee: Pegged pages
beakee: Spiral 1
beakee: An old immigration document
beakee: An old passport
beakee: Immigration documents
beakee: Abacus, ink and brushes
beakee: Tools of the trade
beakee: Her humble belongings
beakee: Spiral 2
beakee: 牛车水
beakee: Family names
beakee: Tea for two
beakee: The rise of clans
beakee: Tasselled lamp
beakee: Opium pipe
beakee: A harlot's lair
beakee: Delicacies
beakee: A meal in old Chinatown
beakee: Fully occupied for the night
beakee: Chinese cuisine
beakee: Latest reads
beakee: Predictions
beakee: Travelling hawker
beakee: Old Chinatown in photos
beakee: The bucket system
beakee: Good morning
beakee: Herbal concoctions
beakee: Samsui posessions