Eric's Beacon St pictures: Immature leucistic White-crowned Sparrow
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Immature Surf Scoter and 2 White-winged Scoters
Eric's Beacon St pictures: 2 White-winged Scoters
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Three Ohio River Scoters
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Immature Surf Scoter
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Male White-winged Scoter
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Two White-winged Scoters
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Immature Surf Scoter
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Male White-winged Scoter
Eric's Beacon St pictures: male White-winged Scoter
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Immature White-winged Scoter preening
Eric's Beacon St pictures: The Towhees meet the Cardinals
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Cardinal in the snow
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Cardinal in Beech Tree
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Winter Eastern Phoebe
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Trio of Canvasbacks
Eric's Beacon St pictures: immature Herring Gull
Eric's Beacon St pictures: male Canvasback
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Red-breasted Merganser
Eric's Beacon St pictures: female Greater Scaup
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Ohio River Great Black-Backed Gull
Eric's Beacon St pictures: Ohio River Great Black-Backed Gull