beachwalker2007: Give a man a burrito
beachwalker2007: the moment it clicks
beachwalker2007: What's for lunch?
beachwalker2007: Sony NEX 6 with Leica Summicron 90/2
beachwalker2007: Sony NEX 6 with Leica Summicron 90/2
beachwalker2007: Surfin' is the only life the only way for me
beachwalker2007: dark glasses
beachwalker2007: Me at the Great Sand Dunes National Park
beachwalker2007: In front of Delicate Arch
beachwalker2007: Sigma 100-300/4 EX DG APO HSM
beachwalker2007: At the camera store
beachwalker2007: Temptations at the local camera store