beachcomber beachcombing: glass half full
beachcomber beachcombing: You're as cold as ice
beachcomber beachcombing: Project Flickr week 2 - things on water - iced water
beachcomber beachcombing: Project Flickr week 1 - colour - party popper
beachcomber beachcombing: chrysanthemum, fir cone and keys
beachcomber beachcombing: bored - games, double five
beachcomber beachcombing: anyone fancy a date ? - aka 'I have no life' !!!! (thanks Brook)
beachcomber beachcombing: don't use that towel !!
beachcomber beachcombing: Project Flickr week 7 - reflections - you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
beachcomber beachcombing: and thats how a fish blows bubbles ?
beachcomber beachcombing: Project Flickr week 8 - leading lines - GO