Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#1/365 Happy New Bokeh Year
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#2/365 Hi!
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#3/365 I think that's not an umbrella
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#4/365 Christmas is drowning him
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#5/365 There's more here to be seen
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#6/365 Todo lo bueno se acaba | All good things come to an end
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#7/365 Jugando con mi "nueva" cámara | Playing with my "new" camera
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#8/365 Lost in the garage I
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#9/365 Lost in the garage II
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#10/365 Lost in the garage III
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#11/365 Lost in the garage IV
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#12/365 Lost in the garage. THE EXIT
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#13/365 Descansando tras su aventura | Resting after his adventure
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#14/365 Mirando como funciona el escáner | Watching how the scanner works
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#15/365 The scanner has caught him
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#16/365 Our new candy
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#17/365 Our new candy
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#18/365 His new mission
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#19/365 "Eeeva"
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#20/365 It was only an egg!
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#21/365 Are you there?
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#22/365 The beginning of a new friendship?
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#23/365 Do you play with me?
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#24/365 In the dark
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#25/365 Hide and seek
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#26/365 Big bad world
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY:
#28/365 Having a shower
Beatriz Durán PHOTOGRAPHY: