BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Elder, Johnny Jackson, Lower Nicola Indian Band opened the day with song and prayer
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Elder, Johnny Jackson, Lower Nicola Indian Band opened the day with song and prayer
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students measuring slope for BDA
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A previously built wetland on the Logan Lake Golf Course site
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students measuring slope for BDA
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students measuring slope for BDA
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT student, Alessandro
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students and First Nations Technicians measuring slope for BDA
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students placing barrier to filter sediment before BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT student, Jonathan
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCWF Beaver Restoration Project Lead, Jen Rogers, prepares BCIT students and First Nations technicians for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, First Nations Technicians, and local community members deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCWF Field Technician, Kendall McLaughlin, preparing deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Marge Sidney (RP Bio) preparing deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Kendall McLaughlin (BCWF Field Technician) & Cassie Friesen (BCIT Assistant Instructor)
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, First Nations Technicians, and local community members deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, First Nations Technicians, and local community members deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Preparing deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Preparing deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCIT students, local First Nations, and community members prepare for the inaugural BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Preparing deciduous tree branches for BDA build
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Stswecem'c Xget'tem First Nation Technician, Hunter
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: BCWF Field Technician, Kendall McLaughlin
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Howarth Creek BDA builds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Howarth Creek BDA builds