BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Quesnel wetlandkeepers begins
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Neil assists participants in mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping rivers and watersheds
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Adrian Leather explains the local bird species at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Adrian teaches birding at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Spotting a cedar waxwing
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Cedar waxwing at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Birding at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Birding at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Birding at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Birding at Trueman Island
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping vegetation zones
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping vegetation zones
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Mapping vegetation zones
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Learning sedge ID
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Learning sedge ID
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Quesnel Wetlandkeepers participants
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Neil passes out soil samples at Hallis Lake
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Neil explains soil classification
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Soil sample at Hallis Lake
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Soil classification
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Fen and marsh habitat at Hallis Lake
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Classifying Hallis Lake wetlands
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Classifying Hallis Lake wetlands
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Chalk-fronted Corporal dragonfly