BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Left, students learn about wetland wildlife. Right, the benefits of wetland
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Keila shows off a simple wetland simulation
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Neil talks about wetland bird species
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Keila teaches students about wetland filtration and erosion control
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Learning about wetland invertebrates
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Students and simulation wetlands
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Students in plots of the future wetland
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Vision of the future
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A different approach
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Teacher Mr. Hofmann participates
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Students combine adjacent plans
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Planning the wetland restoration
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Students envision the restored wetland
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Talk about "barefoot mapping"