BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A BC Steward's Song, 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Displays. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to a fish-friendly bank stabilization and enhancement project along the Bonaparte River. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to a fish-friendly bank stabilization and enhancement project along the Bonaparte River.8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to a fish-friendly bank stabilization and enhancement project along the Bonaparte River.8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Ashcroft community pool - a green infrastructure project. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant.Bacteria commonly found in our poop. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant (Feeding the bacteria with oxygen), 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant (UV light blasts water before it leaves the plant)8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Visit to the Ashcroft Sewage Treatment Plant (frothy sludge in settling tank). 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Tour of the Cache Creek Landfill. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Tour of the Cache Creek Landfill. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Tour of the Cache Creek Landfill. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Cache Creek Landfill, active site. 8th Annual BC Interior Stewardship Workshop