BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Educational signage at Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Educational signage and a hand-built bench at Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A beautiful stone mosaic at Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: An ephemeral wetland near Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: An old growth stump at Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Educational signage at Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A stone Labyrinth near the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A stone Labyrinth near the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A beautiful stone mosiac near Renfrew Ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Signage educates residents and visitors on the wildlife around the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Signage educates residents and visitors on the wildlife around the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Signage educates residents and visitors on the wildlife around the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A stone mosaic and bench near the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A stone mosaic near the ravine
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Still Water Creek sign