BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Lower pond at the restoration site
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Ditch at wetland outlet
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Site: pre-restoration with only lower pond
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: A dead vole found on site with puncture marks, possibly from a hawk.
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Searching for amphibians
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Digging a test hole at the restoration site
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Dominant sedge on the site in flower
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Identifying watercress
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Discussion of the inlet wetland's lower pond
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Frog at Logan Lake's lower pond
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Frog at Logan Lake's lower pond
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Discussion on soil sample
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Discussion on test hole
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Discussion on test hole
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Discussion on test hole
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Construction level
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Tom demonstrates how to use a level
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Learning to use a level
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Tom discusses laser level
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Doug demonstrates pellet count survey
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Pellet count survey for deer and moose
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Monitoring sounds of bats
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Monitoring sounds of bats with the South Coast Bat Action Team
BC Wildlife Federation's WEP: Monitoring sounds of bats with the South Coast Bat Action Team