bcostin: "The Telegraph Florist of New York"
bcostin: Buy a luxury bird house in Colorado
bcostin: Revere Power-Zoom
bcostin: Promise a Princess
bcostin: Kodak gifts say: "Open me first!"
bcostin: For real gift excitement!
bcostin: Kodak Christmas Ad, Dec 1955 Popular Science
bcostin: A close shave at the masquerade.
bcostin: Pluck, Draw, Export, Invest!
bcostin: Kodachrome Movie Film, 1939
bcostin: Body by Fisher, 1939
bcostin: General Tire, 1939
bcostin: Get the Picture with a Brownie
bcostin: Excitement! Security! Good Pay!
bcostin: 500lb Gorilla!
bcostin: Charles Atlas
bcostin: "Humiliating? Well, rather!"
bcostin: Exerow for Health and Figure
bcostin: Make mine vanilla
bcostin: Clyde Peeling's Reptiland
bcostin: Color Processing by Kodak
bcostin: And this time don't blink!
bcostin: Ben Cooper Robot Mask in box (sort of)
bcostin: Groovy Ben Cooper Astronaut
bcostin: Ben Cooper mask box - left side
bcostin: Ben Cooper mask box top - ROBOT!
bcostin: Ben Cooper mask box - right side
bcostin: TSR D&D Basic Set, circa 1980
bcostin: Decals For a Colorful Home
bcostin: It's so easy!