bcostin: Front Grill Closeup
bcostin: Studebaker hood ornament
bcostin: Studebaker pickup
bcostin: Tailgating
bcostin: Inside the cab
bcostin: Studebaker receding
bcostin: Quality Control
bcostin: 1949 Oldsmobile
bcostin: Roadmaster hood ornament
bcostin: Roadmaster hood ornament in B&W
bcostin: Roadmaster script
bcostin: King of the Road
bcostin: Bryan and the red Subaru, 1975
bcostin: Mystery mobile
bcostin: Chevy Impala
bcostin: Amphicar
bcostin: Tailgate
bcostin: Pedestrian Plymouth
bcostin: Mauve muscle
bcostin: Obligatory "Beep Beep"
bcostin: Plymouth Roadrunner
bcostin: Plymouth emblem
bcostin: Ford Torino 500
bcostin: Not Found On Road Dead
bcostin: One mile too many
bcostin: U-R-A-BUS (lens test)
bcostin: Subaru dashboard
bcostin: Cars along street in Holland, 1973
bcostin: Water For Your Pool
bcostin: House for sale with Ford