BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert berthed at Bear Cove.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR at Bear Cove.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR preparing to depart Bear Cove, Port Hardy.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Aboard the QPR sailing near Butedale.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Some of the wonderful sights along the Inside Passage while enroute to Prince Rupert.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR berthed at Skidegate.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR berthed at Skidegate.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR berthed at Skidegate as seen from the Kwuna.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR berthed at Skidegate as seen from the Kwuna.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert in Prince Rupert Harbour.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR and Nicola in Prince Rupert Harbour.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR and HSQ at Deas Dock.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert at DPMI, Richmond.
BCFS: BC Ferries - QPR - October 15, 1965 - April 20, 2009.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Fo'c'sle, Queen of Prince Rupert.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Mast, Queen of Prince Rupert.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert at DPMI, Richmond.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert and Klitsa at DPMI, Richmond.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Queen of Prince Rupert passing Boat Bluff.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Port sundeck, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Port sundeck, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Lifering, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Sailing through the Inside Passage aboard the QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Mast, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - View from the port bridgewing, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - View forward as seen from the port bridgewing, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - View aft from the port bridgewing, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Lifeboat No.1, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - Deck 6 starboard lifejacket lockers, QPR.
BCFS: BC Ferries - BC flag flying on the mast, QPR.