cowe²: awesome work by the ever-wizardly @choplogik. #laser etched/cut cherry laminate.
cowe²: paper vs. laser II: electric boogaloo
cowe²: #laser cut mylar stencils for the most dodgeballing-est non profit in the west. Eagle Rock Yacht Club's Sadie Hawkins Dance Party of Awesome is on August 25th - tomorrow's the last day to buy tickets! #learnaboutit @theyachtclub @wearegiants
cowe²: do it. (letters by kammoto/kgs-design)
cowe²: stencil test cuts for the clamshell boxed edition of Cryptik's "Eastern Philosophy" by Zero+ Publishing & Pedersen Projects. #laser
cowe²: - I was staring at this tiny piece of a log on my desk, and realized that I should probably engrave "blog" in it, and then actually have one. #coolstory
cowe²: finished @kengarduno's acrylic brooch - he'll have a bunch of these at his #sdcc booth this week.
cowe²: prototyping some @kengarduno pendant awesomeness on 1/4" acrylic. #laser
cowe²: etching some cork coaster sets for James & Ryan @ Debacle - they'll be hand cut, rounded and coated afterwards, then for sale at their booth this Saturday @ Silverlake Jubilee. #laser
cowe²: wood etchings today. art by Codak ( @obscura74 )
cowe²: tiny grid of tiny circles. #lasercut
cowe²: currently engraving some frames for the good sir Mike Mitchell's (@sirmitchell) solo show - if you're in LA, come out to Gallery1988 Melrose on April 6th!
cowe²: axe engraving. #normalstuff
cowe²: #ink
cowe²: transitional workspace (thank you @somakitty & @sesshin!) #laser
cowe²: lasercutting some acrylic guns so @ollymoss can film the next matrix movie. #thingsthatareverynecessary
cowe²: never not workbot.
cowe²: #lasercut (mirrored acrylic)
cowe²: also re-found in storage. old giant (16x20) prints of my polaroids, printed by @sesshin
cowe²: sometimes you've got to #hack a #laser with #magnets. #howdotheywork?
cowe²: #paper
cowe²: #ink
cowe²: the aftermath. my house is coated in spray mount. @ollymoss #paper #laser
cowe²: so good to see them all up! been working on paper cuts with @ollymoss for many moons.
cowe²: paper vs. laser
cowe²: the framing of things.
cowe²: #ink
cowe²: serious business.
cowe²: lasercutting stackable acrylic rings, color 1 of 4. art by @monstromo