b.campbell65: Sun rise at the dock in Placentia
b.campbell65: Sailing in Belize
b.campbell65: Up close and personal
b.campbell65: I presume you are here for a cleaning?
b.campbell65: Stealthy nurse shark
b.campbell65: A surprisingly big turtle
b.campbell65: Blue head wrasse near barrel sponge
b.campbell65: Diver with shark
b.campbell65: Divers swimming by a nurse shark
b.campbell65: Sailing in the bad lands
b.campbell65: Silversides in the mangroves
b.campbell65: A yellow ray in the mangroves
b.campbell65: Turtle swimming over the reef
b.campbell65: A large yellow tube sponge
b.campbell65: In the mangroves
b.campbell65: Sharks
b.campbell65: Diver with blue head wrasse
b.campbell65: Badlands
b.campbell65: Turtle swimming over turtle grass
b.campbell65: Diver and shark
b.campbell65: Watching a turtle swim by
b.campbell65: Nose to tail nurse sharks
b.campbell65: Silversides in the mangroves
b.campbell65: Sponges in the mangroves
b.campbell65: Loggerhead turtle
b.campbell65: Atlantic spade fish crossing paths
b.campbell65: The bad lands in Belize
b.campbell65: Peacock wrasse over the reef
b.campbell65: Tropical fish
b.campbell65: Cruising the reef