b.campbell65: Swimming from the bottom of the cave to the surface
b.campbell65: swimming with a humpback whale
b.campbell65: Dancing with whales
b.campbell65: The winner of the heat run
b.campbell65: Mom and baby
b.campbell65: Mom and baby swimming
b.campbell65: left behind-1
b.campbell65: Mom and calf swimming the Tonga trench
b.campbell65: Diving in Tonga
b.campbell65: Swimming
b.campbell65: Tonga diving-1
b.campbell65: Humpback whale in Tonga
b.campbell65: Mom and calf
b.campbell65: Grunts in Tonga
b.campbell65: coral under a sunburst
b.campbell65: Banner fish in Tonga
b.campbell65: Humpback and calf in Tonga
b.campbell65: A massive humpback whale
b.campbell65: Mom and calf