b.campbell65: Farmers Caye pano
b.campbell65: diver with grunts-3
b.campbell65: lobster under wreck
b.campbell65: a coral and sponge encrusted propeller-1
b.campbell65: grunts on a wreck
b.campbell65: grunts schoooling-1
b.campbell65: silver grunts-1
b.campbell65: diver with silver sailer fish in the Exumas
b.campbell65: red tipped sea goddess nudibranch
b.campbell65: divers exploring a wreck-1
b.campbell65: perspective
b.campbell65: beneath the crowd
b.campbell65: Sailing in the Exumas
b.campbell65: sun set farmers caye-1
b.campbell65: grunts with diver
b.campbell65: diver rounding light house reef pillars-1
b.campbell65: Diver on wreck with spotted moray eel-1
b.campbell65: The low rise islands of the Abaccos
b.campbell65: divers on wreck
b.campbell65: Grunts on a sunny day