b.campbell65: blue star fish
b.campbell65: blue green damsel fish-0903
b.campbell65: DSC_0858.jpg
b.campbell65: DSC_1140.jpg
b.campbell65: anemone fish hiding in plate coral in the cabbage patch
b.campbell65: Sailing in the Yasawa islands, Fiji
b.campbell65: soft corals and fish-
b.campbell65: stag horn and red soft coral and fish-1356
b.campbell65: riot of fish
b.campbell65: Junior with anemone
b.campbell65: corals on the reef
b.campbell65: fish under coral head-
b.campbell65: sea fan-
b.campbell65: diver with softcorals-
b.campbell65: Blue lagoon, Fiji
b.campbell65: Wall diving on the rainbow reef Fiji
b.campbell65: fiji island landscape-
b.campbell65: cabbage patch trivouni
b.campbell65: butterfly fish
b.campbell65: coral head with anathias and other fish
b.campbell65: Can you find the hidden octopus?
b.campbell65: turtle and divers
b.campbell65: nemos in bubble anemones
b.campbell65: soft coral and hard coral on the same reef
b.campbell65: anathias and soft corals
b.campbell65: riot of fish
b.campbell65: emporer shrimp getting a ride on a sea cucumber
b.campbell65: Nudibranch moving deeper
b.campbell65: deserted sandy island
b.campbell65: DSC_1280.jpg