b.campbell65: Kona manta
b.campbell65: diver exploring lava tubes
b.campbell65: diver under lava tube arch-1
b.campbell65: Christophe videoing a puffer fish-1
b.campbell65: manta tonsil shot-1
b.campbell65: scary manta
b.campbell65: crown of thorns
b.campbell65: Mantas
b.campbell65: diver heading to the boat through the schools of fish-1
b.campbell65: close up of needle nose butterfly fish
b.campbell65: Diver watching reef fish swim up the reef to next lava tube-1
b.campbell65: Pyramid fish
b.campbell65: manta dancing with bubbles
b.campbell65: eye close up
b.campbell65: nudibranch
b.campbell65: trigger fish
b.campbell65: green moray surprise-1
b.campbell65: stoney brook 2 racoon fish-1
b.campbell65: christophe
b.campbell65: divers and lava flow
b.campbell65: porcupine fish of the Kona coast
b.campbell65: dance of the sea cucombers-
b.campbell65: A lone raccoon fish hiding on the wall
b.campbell65: red crab
b.campbell65: fish on mesa
b.campbell65: Manta with lights
b.campbell65: stoney brook 1
b.campbell65: trevali with diver
b.campbell65: blue stripe snappers heading out of a tube
b.campbell65: racoon butterfly fish and others