b.campbell65: brain coral with peppermint gobey
b.campbell65: Black grouper and dive master
b.campbell65: Green moray eel distracted from hunting
b.campbell65: A very shy Red McCaw
b.campbell65: Time to go diving?
b.campbell65: Creole Wrasse mania
b.campbell65: curious french angel fish
b.campbell65: Banded shrimp
b.campbell65: colorful coral
b.campbell65: Can you find the white toad fish
b.campbell65: Top of the reef
b.campbell65: Feathers
b.campbell65: DSC_2337-Edit.jpg
b.campbell65: Diver with Elkhorn coral
b.campbell65: Sea fan in the surge
b.campbell65: Divers with Pillar coral
b.campbell65: Tony checking out the wreck
b.campbell65: a pelagic tunicate
b.campbell65: Lettuce coral with a blue tang and rainbow parrot fish
b.campbell65: Roatan reef
b.campbell65: Its raining wrasses
b.campbell65: DSC_2515-Edit.jpg