b.campbell65: Blowing bubble rings to call the boat
b.campbell65: Moray eel hunting
b.campbell65: Fish swimming over the coral reef in Dominica
b.campbell65: Drum fish hanging ot on the reef
b.campbell65: Sailing to Dominica
b.campbell65: Channel clinging crab playing peak-a-boo
b.campbell65: knowing where your dive buddy is
b.campbell65: Basket star fish
b.campbell65: Corals and sponges in blue water
b.campbell65: Early morning waiting to go diving in Dominica
b.campbell65: Returning to port
b.campbell65: Lobster
b.campbell65: Golden eye eel
b.campbell65: Looking for the bottom of the boat
b.campbell65: Yellow tube sponges with paint bucket?
b.campbell65: Rock beauties with barrel sponge and brain coral
b.campbell65: Dominica near Dublanc
b.campbell65: Waiting to go sailing
b.campbell65: Sailing into Dominica
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b.campbell65: _1BC6063-Edit.jpg
b.campbell65: flounder
b.campbell65: Dominica sponges and fish
b.campbell65: green sea turtle with barracuda in the background
b.campbell65: banded shrimp cleaning station
b.campbell65: trunk fish and friends
b.campbell65: Professional courtesy
b.campbell65: Black Corals and sponges
b.campbell65: _DSC3233.jpg
b.campbell65: Banded shrimp, Guadeloupe