b.campbell65: Cannon ball tree
b.campbell65: Ray and Andrew investigating a wreck in Carlisle bay
b.campbell65: Grunts at the stern of the wreck
b.campbell65: Last morning at the Crane
b.campbell65: close up
b.campbell65: bird of paradise
b.campbell65: anchor left behind
b.campbell65: Get in line...
b.campbell65: _DSC9300.jpg
b.campbell65: _DSC1979.jpg
b.campbell65: Barrel sponges in Barbados
b.campbell65: _DSC1942.jpg
b.campbell65: _DSC9270.jpg
b.campbell65: Wreck of the Berwyn
b.campbell65: Barrel sponge throne
b.campbell65: soldier fish and barrel sponge
b.campbell65: hawksbill tickling his flippers on a sea plume
b.campbell65: _DSC1994.jpg
b.campbell65: Sponges, corals and schools of fish in Barbados
b.campbell65: Shark Reef in Barbados
b.campbell65: Tube worms and sponges
b.campbell65: Glasseyed snapper in Barbados
b.campbell65: Barbados
b.campbell65: Wrecks in Carlile Bay
b.campbell65: Bajan fish swimming for the bottom
b.campbell65: Barbados underwater
b.campbell65: Wreck of the Berwyn
b.campbell65: Barbados wreck