b.campbell65: First dive in BVI
b.campbell65: Underwater shooting up
b.campbell65: blue cleaner fish
b.campbell65: Rhone Wreck: side of the hull
b.campbell65: Parrot fish, grunts and squirrel fish
b.campbell65: Coral at Dog Island
b.campbell65: RMS Rhone dive
b.campbell65: coral head on wreckage
b.campbell65: Coral over running the Rhone
b.campbell65: immature parrot fish
b.campbell65: Shy topside
b.campbell65: The Wreck of the Rhone
b.campbell65: corals and sponges
b.campbell65: French grunts under an overhang
b.campbell65: Mid section of the Rhone
b.campbell65: Dialing in for diving
b.campbell65: sea fan and coral
b.campbell65: sargent majors and red coral
b.campbell65: Lots of lobsters
b.campbell65: Chris heading to the stern of the Rhone
b.campbell65: Straggling French angel Fish
b.campbell65: Seaching for food
b.campbell65: anemome
b.campbell65: turtle reef
b.campbell65: porcupine fish off the coast of Tintamarre near St. Martin
b.campbell65: Coral near St. Barts
b.campbell65: dog island, sargent majors and cup coral
b.campbell65: moray eel
b.campbell65: dog island in the British Virgin Islands
b.campbell65: School of Surgeon fish