b.campbell65: Tapestry of Life
b.campbell65: Sunset at the cathedral
b.campbell65: Oaxaca nearest church
b.campbell65: Oaxaca near church bell tower
b.campbell65: selecting a direction
b.campbell65: Cathedral dome
b.campbell65: Bruce and Ismus girls
b.campbell65: DR Z and Ismus costumed girls
b.campbell65: cody on the Roof
b.campbell65: Hymie with trowel smoothing the base
b.campbell65: adrian with fire brick
b.campbell65: cody & bruce with oven
b.campbell65: woman with oven
b.campbell65: Richard resting and telling stories
b.campbell65: richard hill climbing
b.campbell65: Richard overseeing the valley
b.campbell65: Richard the botanist
b.campbell65: Richard in the village
b.campbell65: downtown Oaxaca
b.campbell65: accordian player
b.campbell65: stone face
b.campbell65: Hauling maze
b.campbell65: walking with maze
b.campbell65: grinding maze
b.campbell65: mission team
b.campbell65: thatched hut
b.campbell65: little boy
b.campbell65: street art
b.campbell65: Downtown Oaxaca
b.campbell65: old city wall