bc219: Mexico City from the plane.
bc219: Mexico City from the plane.
bc219: Mexico City from the plane.
bc219: Mexico City airport
bc219: Luckily the line into customs wasn't long.
bc219: Mexico City airport
bc219: Flat tire and no back but at least he has one right?
bc219: Mexico City airport
bc219: Mexico City airport
bc219: Mexico City airport
bc219: Waiting for our taxi to the hotel.
bc219: Mexico City
bc219: Mexico City
bc219: Mexico City
bc219: Mexico City
bc219: Mexico City
bc219: KFC in Mexico City
bc219: Hotel Gillow in Mexico City
bc219: View from our room.
bc219: View from our room.
bc219: Can't find any kefir.
bc219: Ahhhhhh Redbull & bottled water.
bc219: me gusta
bc219: Cool french doors in our room.
bc219: Our room.
bc219: bathroom
bc219: Creepy murderer window that made strange noises and didn't seem to have a purpose.
bc219: View from our room.
bc219: View from our room.