BBuzz1: This way to French Camp
BBuzz1: Welcome to camp!
BBuzz1: Staff getting ready
BBuzz1: Camper T-shirt
BBuzz1: Making trebuchets
BBuzz1: Trebuchet building
BBuzz1: Testing the trebuchets
BBuzz1: Allez, arrêtez
BBuzz1: Red light, green light
BBuzz1: Craft time!
BBuzz1: Staff hard at work
BBuzz1: Getting those strawberries ready
BBuzz1: Crêpe time!
BBuzz1: Making crêpes
BBuzz1: Crêpes
BBuzz1: Chefs Sadie and Aubrey
BBuzz1: Parrots
BBuzz1: Hey! I made this!
BBuzz1: Learning vocabulary words
BBuzz1: Flash cards
BBuzz1: Running through the vocabulary list
BBuzz1: Practicing vocab
BBuzz1: After the treasure hunt
BBuzz1: Lining up for goodies
BBuzz1: Cooking time is a happy time
BBuzz1: Yes! It's food!
BBuzz1: Happy in their cooking
BBuzz1: Adding the eggs
BBuzz1: Staff, making things
BBuzz1: Intro to fencing by Mr. Williams