bbum: Football Security!
bbum: Ruins In Middle of Lima
bbum: Advertisement Meets Building
bbum: Traffic Police Box
bbum: Pedestrian Market
bbum: Mary & Jesus (Odd Perspective)
bbum: Wood Inlay Ceiling. No Glue!
bbum: 150+ Year Old Ficus (& Wild Orchid)
bbum: Painting
bbum: The Puppetmaster.
bbum: Peru's Emancipation Document
bbum: High School Students w/Roger
bbum: Church.
bbum: Wood Carvings in Church
bbum: Wooden Dais
bbum: Wood Carving Detail
bbum: Pigeons In The Square
bbum: Fruit & Bean Store In Stairwell
bbum: Rotting Plane
bbum: Family Transport
bbum: Scary Mannequins
bbum: Tuk Tuk City!
bbum: Tuk Tuks on the Go
bbum: Tuk Tuks on the Go (Other Way)
bbum: Church.
bbum: Katydid
bbum: Preying Mantis on Window
bbum: Bird in Rain
bbum: Yellow-faced Parrots
bbum: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher