bbum: Camera on a Very Long Pole
bbum: Roger Adding Legos to Lego Mail Jeep
bbum: Roger and Friend (Nattie?) Playing Tag w/SWARM
bbum: Roger and Friend (Nattie?) Hanging with the SWARM
bbum: Kids Playing Pinball
bbum: Wire Statue Detail
bbum: SphereBot Watching Me Watching It
bbum: CycleBus
bbum: So *thats* what that looks like...
bbum: Pinball Chaos Machine Red Mode
bbum: Pinball Chaos Machine Green Mode
bbum: Pinball Chaos Machine Red/Green/Blue Mode
bbum: Dancing with R2D2
bbum: Dancing with R2D2 (Step to the Left)
bbum: Tesla Coil Spark
bbum: More Kids Playing Pinball
bbum: Maker Faire Day One 1
bbum: Delicious Truffle & Salt.
bbum: Meeting Pinball for the First Time
bbum: Ring Art
bbum: Drops of Water on Leaves
bbum: Mushrooms Yummy
bbum: Asteroids Watch
bbum: Peggy 2.0 Plays Life
bbum: Double Sided Timing Belt
bbum: Jug Band Hero!
bbum: Cigar Box Video Theremin
bbum: Networked LED Grid Display
bbum: Artificial Tongue Licking Lollipop
bbum: Nixie Tube Clock