bbum: Bark on Rock
bbum: UFU
bbum: Lichens on Fence
bbum: Hibiscus
bbum: Seaweed on Rock (Crab in Crack)
bbum: Cyclone Backglass Clown
bbum: Wet Lantana Blossom
bbum: Hollyhock
bbum: Honey Bee on Lavender
bbum: Swallowtail on Bromeliad
bbum: Luna Moth
bbum: Summer Sprinkler Fun!
bbum: Ducks Landing on Water
bbum: On The Pond....
bbum: Roger's Typical Expression
bbum: Eastern Tailed-Blue
bbum: Dragonfly
bbum: Paper Wasps on Rosemary
bbum: Fly on Artichoke
bbum: Juvenile Gallardia Flower
bbum: Pinball Meets Ice Cube
bbum: Poppy Head
bbum: Bee on Sunflower
bbum: Tree Sap
bbum: Dolphins Bow Riding
bbum: Roger and Tourist Trap Iguana
bbum: Cloud's Over Land's End At Sunrise
bbum: Agapanthus Bud
bbum: LED Reflection
bbum: Roger & Monarch