bbllaakkee: _DSC1037
bbllaakkee: _DSC0983
bbllaakkee: _DSC1547
bbllaakkee: _DSC1211
bbllaakkee: _DSC0611
bbllaakkee: _DSC0550
bbllaakkee: light at the end of the canal?
bbllaakkee: basingstoke canal171
bbllaakkee: ironbridge done2
bbllaakkee: some crazy light coming over the hill
bbllaakkee: DSC_0060_2
bbllaakkee: light coming over the hill2
bbllaakkee: landing gull (not very graciously)
bbllaakkee: the blue jacketed Hurtigruten army invade
bbllaakkee: arctic mountains2
bbllaakkee: DSC_0303 - Version 3
bbllaakkee: floating ice
bbllaakkee: floating ice at the end of an active glacier. apparently there is less ice cap at the north pole than there has ever been and there is a place near here that they thought was a peninsula but then a glacier receded a bit more and they realised it is actual
bbllaakkee: glacier
bbllaakkee: bones
bbllaakkee: arctic landscape
bbllaakkee: arctic tern
bbllaakkee: DSC_1143
bbllaakkee: DSC_1283
bbllaakkee: xmas and kittens_0155
bbllaakkee: lagrasse 2012_0266
bbllaakkee: doors and tiles
bbllaakkee: NYC skyline copy
bbllaakkee: kew march 2012 some_0006
bbllaakkee: towards the light