bbllaakkee: husky dogs and their handler
bbllaakkee: husky dog sledding (summer)
bbllaakkee: husky dog puppies
bbllaakkee: Longyearbyen
bbllaakkee: longyearbyen huts
bbllaakkee: arctic tern
bbllaakkee: the bar (on the boat)
bbllaakkee: coal mining town Barentsburg - supremely grim.
bbllaakkee: arctic landscape
bbllaakkee: glacier cliff
bbllaakkee: glacier cliff
bbllaakkee: swooping bird keeping up with the boat
bbllaakkee: the guides get perilously to a bear. the trip photographer is in front and got some very nice pics.
bbllaakkee: DSC_1524
bbllaakkee: biology lesson in the field
bbllaakkee: looking out for bears - one of the guides.
bbllaakkee: whalers hut
bbllaakkee: DSC_1591
bbllaakkee: polar bear!!!! we were supposed to have a landing here but because this dude decided to have a potter we had to go somewhere else.
bbllaakkee: arctic landscape
bbllaakkee: arctic landscape 2
bbllaakkee: floating ice
bbllaakkee: floating ice in the sea
bbllaakkee: glacier
bbllaakkee: mating arctic terns
bbllaakkee: floating glacier ice
bbllaakkee: DSC_0280
bbllaakkee: polarcirkel boat
bbllaakkee: DSC_0303 - Version 3
bbllaakkee: floating ice at the end of an active glacier. apparently there is less ice cap at the north pole than there has ever been and there is a place near here that they thought was a peninsula but then a glacier receded a bit more and they realised it is actual