Bryan.bischof: Knuckle-dragon
Bryan.bischof: Dany reaching
Bryan.bischof: Malakai
Bryan.bischof: Dany Close
Bryan.bischof: Prepare!
Bryan.bischof: Forcing
Bryan.bischof: Stiff Arm
Bryan.bischof: Harold Leaning
Bryan.bischof: A stretch
Bryan.bischof: Stuffed
Bryan.bischof: Make a break
Bryan.bischof: Shot Plate 1
Bryan.bischof: Wrong bike, right shot.
Bryan.bischof: Not Fucking Croquet
Bryan.bischof: Preparing for the Joust
Bryan.bischof: Captain Falcon
Bryan.bischof: Bout to Joust
Bryan.bischof: Finesse
Bryan.bischof: Get Burned
Bryan.bischof: High speed
Bryan.bischof: South in our mouths