Pat.Devine: Running man nebula
Pat.Devine: Heart_nebula
Pat.Devine: M31 Andromeda
Pat.Devine: Rosette Nebula
Pat.Devine: Flame and horse head nebula
Pat.Devine: Running man nebula 14/12/20
Pat.Devine: Orion Nebula M42 14/12/20
Pat.Devine: North America nebula
Pat.Devine: California_Nebula__final
Pat.Devine: Pleiades and Venus
Pat.Devine: IMG_1397.jpg
Pat.Devine: Orion over Edinburgh Airport
Pat.Devine: M81, M82 and a faint NGC3077
Pat.Devine: M45 Pleiades
Pat.Devine: Heart_Soul nebula
Pat.Devine: NGC2174 - Monkey Head Nebula
Pat.Devine: IC 405 and IC410 - Flaming Star and tadpoles Nebula
Pat.Devine: M97 and M108
Pat.Devine: M47(left) and M46(right) ngc2424 under m47 and planetary nebula NGC 2438 in M46 (I think)
Pat.Devine: IC 443 Jellyfish nebula
Pat.Devine: Leo triplet M65, M66, and NGC 3628 and NFC’s 3593
Pat.Devine: m89_M58_M90_and others
Pat.Devine: Moon Feb 18th
Pat.Devine: Moon Feb 23rd
Pat.Devine: m51 - Whirlpool Galaxy
Pat.Devine: M36 Open Cluster