Barry BB: Trailside Rest
Barry BB: Yorkie In The Door
Barry BB: In Your Face
Barry BB: At the Highland Games
Barry BB: At The Highland Games
Barry BB: North of Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Barry BB: On the Oxtongue River
Barry BB: Grouse In The Bush
Barry BB: 6 Months Old
Barry BB: FR-P1050909
Barry BB: FR-P1050929
Barry BB: FR-P1050899
Barry BB: Mother Goose On The Nest
Barry BB: Mom's Little Darling Morkie
Barry BB: Pussy On The Porch
Barry BB: Waterfowl In The Pond
Barry BB: You Got Me!
Barry BB: Frog At The Pond
Barry BB: Front Porch Robin
Barry BB: Fishy Snack
Barry BB: Egret ON Willow
Barry BB: P1050749
Barry BB: P1040209
Barry BB: Tinker!
Barry BB: FR-P1070113
Barry BB: FR-P1070118
Barry BB: FR-DSC02257
Barry BB: P1030987-fr
Barry BB: P1030504-fr
Barry BB: Visitor to the pond ..