Barry BB: Galeairy Lake, Algonquin Park, Canada
Barry BB: Joe Lake, Algonquin Park, Canada
Barry BB: Forest Bay, Algonquin Park, Canada
Barry BB: Little Trout Lake, Algonquin Park, Canada
Barry BB: Threatening Sky, Algonquin Park, Canada
Barry BB: Otters by the Wolf Den
Barry BB: Overlooking Whitefish Lake
Barry BB: On the Oxtongue River
Barry BB: Grouse In The Bush
Barry BB: jay-b
Barry BB: AchrayPine
Barry BB: P1110133-fr
Barry BB: Camboose shanty, Logging Museum, Algonquin Park
Barry BB: Camboose shanty, Logging Museum, Algonquin Park
Barry BB: Camp kitchen at the Logging Museum, Algonquin Park
Barry BB: Overlooking Costello Ck.
Barry BB: fr-P1030784
Barry BB: FR-P1030484
Barry BB: FR-P10305741
Barry BB: FR-P1030513
Barry BB: FR-P1030645
Barry BB: fr-P1040005
Barry BB: fr-P1040036
Barry BB: fr-P1040054
Barry BB: P1030697-MotherLode