bbcworldservice: Toure supports Alassane Ouattara. His wife supported Laurent Gbagbo. They no longer speak.
bbcworldservice: Since the conflict, Toure now takes his daughters to church alone.
bbcworldservice: At church with Toure in Abidjan's Plateau neighbourhood.
bbcworldservice: Producer Ben wires Toure up for a TV interview.
bbcworldservice: Mamadou Koulibaly used to work for Mr Gbagbo. He's now formed his own party called LIDER.
bbcworldservice: This Abidjan football team is made up of players from north and south of the country.
bbcworldservice: The Grand Marchee des Deux Plateaux was empty six months ago, with people afraid to leave their homes. Now, the market sellers are back.
bbcworldservice: "Yann" says his house was trashed by soldiers loyal to President Ouattara because he supports Mr Gbagbo.
bbcworldservice: "Yann" says Ivory Coast's new truth and reconciliation commission is a joke.
bbcworldservice: Life in Abidjan is slowly getting back to normal since the post-election violence.
bbcworldservice: Toure at the Grand Marche Deux Plateau in Abidjan.