bbcworldservice: New Delhi street scenes
bbcworldservice: Rajasthan - handicraft industry
bbcworldservice: Rajasthan - handicraft industry
bbcworldservice: Rajasthan - handicraft industry
bbcworldservice: Rajasthan - handicraft industry
bbcworldservice: "There has been no case in the last 2 years" Inspector Singh from Jodhpur has not brought a case against child labour since he took office
bbcworldservice: Mr Chaudrey - Child Labour Project, Jodhpur sitting in a restaurant that employs young boys
bbcworldservice: Sunil works for Child Line in India
bbcworldservice: Child labour - India
bbcworldservice: Sorting the plastics - slum area of Jodhpur
bbcworldservice: Rubbish recycling - India
bbcworldservice: Kids in Indian slum
bbcworldservice: Plastics recycling - India
bbcworldservice: Decorated auto rickshaw
bbcworldservice: Slum area - Jodhpur
bbcworldservice: Signs increase awareness of child labour - but how far are people paying attention?
bbcworldservice: 20 year old Shobha thinks differently
bbcworldservice: Kritti on Child Line
bbcworldservice: Sent to work for a family at the age of 13
bbcworldservice: Working as a domestic servant in India at 13
bbcworldservice: Betrayed by her agency
bbcworldservice: Rescued kids from factories sleep here
bbcworldservice: Mukti Ashram, New Delhi - for rescued kids
bbcworldservice: OP Sharma
bbcworldservice: Geese wandering around the ashram
bbcworldservice: Mukti Ashram, New Delhi - for rescued kids
bbcworldservice: Mukti Ashram, New Delhi - for rescued kids
bbcworldservice: Mukti Ashram, New Delhi - for rescued kids
bbcworldservice: The NGO , Save the childhood movement, add up the total for the number of children they have rescued from child labour
bbcworldservice: Bhuwan Ribhu, Save the childhood movement