bbcworldservice: Cattle market Aweil. White cows represent peace
bbcworldservice: 3Returnees to South Sudan from Darfur
bbcworldservice: Herds kick up dust on grasslands of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state
bbcworldservice: 6Returnees to South Sudan from Darfur
bbcworldservice: Crossing the tracks, Aweil
bbcworldservice: Darfur returnee 1
bbcworldservice: dusty Dusk at railway track Aweil
bbcworldservice: Returnee woman at Madwani settlement
bbcworldservice: Collecting water Apata camp Aweil
bbcworldservice: Returnee at Madwani Returnee settlement nr Aweil
bbcworldservice: Aweil town from the air
bbcworldservice: Returnee grandmother in Apata settlement
bbcworldservice: Returnees from Darfur 1
bbcworldservice: Anas Ahmed Fadlallah carpenter & trader Aweil 1
bbcworldservice: Furniture piled outside train from Khartoum at Aweil station
bbcworldservice: Anyar Madut Sec Gen Council of Islamic Groups 2
bbcworldservice: Aweil market 1
bbcworldservice: Returnee women in Apata settlement
bbcworldservice: Angela Mbiro in Aweil
bbcworldservice: Aweil market 3
bbcworldservice: 7Returnees to South Sudan from Darfur
bbcworldservice: P1000798
bbcworldservice: 5Returnees to South Sudan from Darfur
bbcworldservice: Crossing the railway at dusk
bbcworldservice: Akot Joseph Dut with his mother in law and family 3
bbcworldservice: Teresa Niajok a returnee from Khartoum
bbcworldservice: P1000795
bbcworldservice: 4Returnees to South Sudan from Darfur
bbcworldservice: Akot Joseph Duts home
bbcworldservice: Jackson Akol Achuil former personal bodyguard to President Salva Kiir