bbcworldservice: Quarry on Guernsey
bbcworldservice: Tubs containing microbe solution
bbcworldservice: Quarry in Guernsey
bbcworldservice: Quarry containing oil from Torrey Canyon
bbcworldservice: End of the pontoon in the quarry
bbcworldservice: A thick black skin of oil on the surface of the water
bbcworldservice: Bottle coated in oil
bbcworldservice: Dead pigeon
bbcworldservice: Quarry
bbcworldservice: Pigeon overlooking the quarry
bbcworldservice: Mike Williams and Phil Ledger of Bubbletech
bbcworldservice: Looking out to sea toward England
bbcworldservice: September morning on Cobo Bay
bbcworldservice: The sands are white and the sea is turquoise at Cobo Bay
bbcworldservice: Pristine beach at Cobo
bbcworldservice: White sands on Cobo Bay
bbcworldservice: Richard Branson tells us about his 'Eureka' moment
bbcworldservice: Richard Branson braves a cold to speak to Mike
bbcworldservice: Making our presence felt on the Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Richard Branson's yacht
bbcworldservice: Menorca
bbcworldservice: Mast of the Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Richard Branson
bbcworldservice: Shoes off
bbcworldservice: Necker Belle
bbcworldservice: Fishes enjoying the clear waters of the bay at Mahon