bbcworldservice: Seeye Abraha (UDJ)
bbcworldservice: UDJ campaign poster
bbcworldservice: Seeye Abraha of the opposition UDJ campaigning
bbcworldservice: Table Tennis
bbcworldservice: Aregash Adane (Arena)
bbcworldservice: PM Meles campaign poster (EPRDF)
bbcworldservice: Mekele market
bbcworldservice: Passing billboards
bbcworldservice: Gebre Asrat (Arena - Tigray)
bbcworldservice: Mekele market 2
bbcworldservice: Mekele market 3
bbcworldservice: Abadi Zemo
bbcworldservice: Busker musician, Kahsay Hailu
bbcworldservice: Final EPRDF rally in Addis Ababa
bbcworldservice: Final EPRDF rally in Addis Ababa
bbcworldservice: Voting queue in Addis Ababa
bbcworldservice: Voting queue in Addis Ababa