bbcworldservice: Mtwapa Police Station, Kenya
bbcworldservice: Friday prayers, Kenya
bbcworldservice: Friday Prayers
bbcworldservice: Sandals outside mosque
bbcworldservice: Sheikh Ali Hussein's anti gay speech
bbcworldservice: Calling for the gays to leave town
bbcworldservice: 'No gays allowed'
bbcworldservice: BBC's Nina Robinson records Sheikh's anti gay message
bbcworldservice: BBC's Nina Robinson records Sheikh's anti gay message
bbcworldservice: Spitting gay hate
bbcworldservice: Local radio records Sheikh's anti gay message
bbcworldservice: Sheikh Ali Hussein
bbcworldservice: Crowd listen to the Sheikh's anti gay message
bbcworldservice: Crowd want action against gays
bbcworldservice: Sheikh among the people
bbcworldservice: Sheikh's words are popular with crowd
bbcworldservice: Sheikh preaches against homosexuals
bbcworldservice: Anti gay message brings Christian and Muslim together
bbcworldservice: The Pastor would like gays to move to an island
bbcworldservice: Mufideh Momhammed
bbcworldservice: Councillor Esthe
bbcworldservice: Chief Swale
bbcworldservice: Going to see the 'gay house'
bbcworldservice: Place where a gay wedding was going to happen?
bbcworldservice: 'No gay weddings allowed here' - Councillor Esthe
bbcworldservice: 'The gays ran away'
bbcworldservice: Outside the house where alleged gay wedding was being organised
bbcworldservice: Mnarani, Kenya
bbcworldservice: Walking to where alleged gay wedding was planned
bbcworldservice: Picturesque Mombasa