bbcworldservice: Minaj TV, Obosi, Onitsha - where training took place
bbcworldservice: Julia Bicknell during the training session at Minaj
bbcworldservice: Minaj trainee asks a question during the training session
bbcworldservice: Minaj trainees' seminar during the training session
bbcworldservice: Two Minaj trainees
bbcworldservice: Minaj trainees' take a 'physical break' during the training session
bbcworldservice: Minaj trainees 'shake it all about' during the training session
bbcworldservice: "Just one virus against milions..." Long wall outside Dfid office in Enugu with HIV mural
bbcworldservice: "... of us. Let's join hands and defeat it." Long wall outside Dfid office in Enugu with HIV mural
bbcworldservice: "How to become millionaire" - a poster on a fence
bbcworldservice: Loading wood into car boot in Enugu
bbcworldservice: Pastor James and Imam Muhammed
bbcworldservice: Message is accountability - a poster on a fence
bbcworldservice: Newborns clinic in rural district hospital near Enugu
bbcworldservice: Newborns clinic in rural district hospital near Enugu