bbcworldservice: Interviewing a guest
bbcworldservice: Getting different opinions
bbcworldservice: Waiting to vote
bbcworldservice: ID please
bbcworldservice: Crowds of people
bbcworldservice: Early morning voter
bbcworldservice: Women queue to vote
bbcworldservice: Men queue to vote
bbcworldservice: Entrance to mosque
bbcworldservice: Mousavi supporters
bbcworldservice: Mousavi rally
bbcworldservice: Two young Iranian women at rally
bbcworldservice: Campaigning for Mousavi
bbcworldservice: More reformist supporters
bbcworldservice: Afternoon tea in Isfahan
bbcworldservice: A bus stop in Isfahan
bbcworldservice: Mohammad Khatami
bbcworldservice: Young Iranians
bbcworldservice: Handing out campaign posters
bbcworldservice: Juice bar
bbcworldservice: Playing in front of political posters
bbcworldservice: Iranians debate
bbcworldservice: An Ahmedinejad supporter
bbcworldservice: Waiting for election day in Isfahan
bbcworldservice: Zara Rahnavard, wife of Mousavi
bbcworldservice: Presidential candidate, Mehdi Karroubi
bbcworldservice: Visiting an art gallery in Isfahan