texturl: Sometimes color is a feeling
texturl: Your words can't contain me or you
texturl: Moving forward is a kind of moving on
texturl: We spend our lives trapped in tiny boxes
texturl: Daylight was a kind of prayer to him
texturl: He was trapped in his geometries
texturl: My soul's full even though my soles are bare
texturl: What I didn't do is all I have left
texturl: If you listen to me I have things I can tell you
texturl: Homes don't feel like home to me, he said to me
texturl: This town takes me up and brings me down
texturl: Halfway through hanging the #weloveatl gallery show at Young Blood Gallery with @the_atl_aaron, @keithweaver, @tmox and other great volunteers. The prints from @postalpix are looking fantastic on the wall! Come to the show at 7pm tomorrow. It should be a
texturl: The street spins colors for you and for me
texturl: This morning the city was ripping him apart
texturl: I am plastic but you are paper
texturl: I put up with a lot for you, you know
texturl: There was no way but a way out
texturl: I am a house of straw made of brick
texturl: All I want, she said, is to come clean again
texturl: Just another quiet afternoon in Woodbury #walkingdead
texturl: All we are is back and forth
texturl: We stack our discarded dreams on street corners
texturl: Stand up with me and be counted
texturl: Every day was a concrete ballet
texturl: She knows the world don't wait for her
texturl: Are we all small or is our world too big
texturl: I'm never alone, even when I am
texturl: Nature is what's around us
texturl: Sometimes the sun was his sustinance
texturl: I can read you like this book, he said to me