bb4412: 255. Walking in the rain.
bb4412: 256. Heidi on the train, in Spain.
bb4412: 257. Window maquette.
bb4412: 259. Hombre, Mercat Central Valencia.
bb4412: 261. Carey with Abel Mendoza.
bb4412: 263. Zen Gardner.
bb4412: 265. Moody Selfie (38,000 feet).
bb4412: Sketches of Spain.
bb4412: Sketches of Spain.
bb4412: 273. Trouble in the Toy Box.
bb4412: Lookout! Dali's Behind You!
bb4412: 274. Street Talk.
bb4412: 275. The Photographer, Michael James.
bb4412: Wooly Hat Man.
bb4412: Alone.
bb4412: 276. Pollo con Pimientos.
bb4412: Autumnal Still Life.
bb4412: 277. Rain-flower.
bb4412: 278. Cathedral.
bb4412: 279. Eat Y'self Fitter.
bb4412: 285. Luis.
bb4412: Look!
bb4412: 287. Halwa, from Shendar Pan House.
bb4412: 288. The Drag.
bb4412: Determination.
bb4412: Snack.
bb4412: 289. Memento Mori.
bb4412: 290. Beef, Bacon, Bay, & Chorizo...
bb4412: 291. 'K'.
bb4412: Smile!