bb4412: 190. Juggling with the law.
bb4412: Carey
bb4412: Park life.
bb4412: Mallard, for Shy Flamingo.
bb4412: 191. Looking down...
bb4412: Profile.
bb4412: 192. Like father like son.
bb4412: 194. Freda Basset.
bb4412: 195. Loch Long at Ardgartan.
bb4412: Bird on a wire.
bb4412: In conversation.
bb4412: Inquisitive Mallard.
bb4412: Moorhen chick.
bb4412: 199. Moorhen & Chick.
bb4412: Portree Lifeboat.
bb4412: Around the bay...
bb4412: 202. Eilidh, and sea gull, Portree.
bb4412: Portree's Favourite.
bb4412: 205. Juno.
bb4412: 206. Summer, Shower?!
bb4412: 207. Discourse on the 'Mile of Style'.
bb4412: Chillin'.
bb4412: Far away.
bb4412: On the steps.
bb4412: East End Boys, West End Girls.
bb4412: 208. Tales of the Riverbank.
bb4412: 216. Herring Gull.
bb4412: Gull.
bb4412: Duckling.
bb4412: Cockerel.