bb4412: 72. Tête-à-Tête.
bb4412: 79. Blue Magic - in my cupboard.
bb4412: 85. Hello Ducky!
bb4412: 92. Yellow.
bb4412: 93. Doorstep Rosemary.
bb4412: Blossom.
bb4412: Glasgow Rosemary.
bb4412: Monochrome daffs
bb4412: Bangles.
bb4412: 96. Martenitsa.
bb4412: 111. Ave del paraíso.
bb4412: 114. Blue Primula(?).
bb4412: 116. Dandelion.
bb4412: 119. Bud, & stamen.
bb4412: 121. Blossom.
bb4412: 125. The Ways of the Bay.
bb4412: 127. Sun at last!
bb4412: 134. Anemone outside The Flower House, Glasgow.
bb4412: 135. Anemone outside The Flower House, what a difference a day makes!
bb4412: Anenome
bb4412: 136. Rhododendron in the Rain.
bb4412: 140. Baby Bay.
bb4412: 142. The Pollinator
bb4412: Susan's planter.
bb4412: Bag Lady.
bb4412: 162. Rosewater.
bb4412: 164. Poppy, in all her glory.
bb4412: The Yellow Rose of ... Glasgow!
bb4412: 174. National Road Race Champion.
bb4412: 181. White Rose.